Thursday, April 22, 2010

Detentions for 2 days

doooodddde! i hate my maths teacher (sorry) but its true, like she's so sadist ): she loves to give us some punishments, yeah i knew its all our faults, but! its also the PE teacher's fault, he released us like very late, 5 mins, so it makes us late for the next lesson, because we need to drink and rest for a while, and some of us came earlier than us because they've brought their own water bottles, and for the some of people, we didnt bring it, so we need to go to canteen for drinks. 15 mins late, and actually its only 10 mins! and the maths teacher was angry, she gave us like a "detention" for 6 hours!! how could it be?!?! and we did it like 2 days. 1 day for 3 hours and another day for 3 hours. so, the first day, we couldnt sit for the detention time,just because we're too noisy at the first few minutes, and again she told us not to sit coz of it.,the next day, which means today, we did it again, but this time only like 2 hours (:



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